The Start of the 2014 Whitney Classic |
Yes, its that time of year again…The 34th
Annual Whitney Classic Bike Ride, Summit Adventure’s main fundraising
event, will take place on September 26th-27th. The Whitney Classic has
traditionally started in Badwater, Death Valley. Due to an
ongoing safety study by Death Valley National Park, athletic events will
not be permitted in Death Valley
this summer. For that reason, the Whitney Classic will again be held in the Lone Pine California area. With two HC climbs, an out and back to Darwin, 132 miles, and nearly 15,000 feet of climbing; the Whitney will indeed be classic in 2015!
Click here for the route details.
Sound too good to miss?
Go here to register and join the Fun!
is my 16th Whitney and 17th fund raising ride for Summit Adventure! This year I will make my 10th solo effort.
What, are you nuts? Yes, nuts and addicted to this awesome ride. I love
to ride, I love Summit Adventure, and I love this event. Nothing matches
the awesome course, camaraderie of the participants, and incredible
support from the Summit Staff and volunteers. Many of you have been
loyal supporters of Summit all these years. I cannot thank you enough!
All smiles at the start! |
In the past 16 years, through your generous support,
we have contributed over $160,000 to Summit Adventure! Thank you! Here’s
where you come in: I have set a goal to raise $10,000 for this year’s
Whitney. Course income provides for only 45 percent of the Summit
budget. The rest comes through fund raising events such as the Whitney
Classic. I served as a member of the Summit Board of Directors and know
how critical a successful Whitney is to the financial health of the
ministry. Debby, Mark, Michael and I have all participated on Summit
courses over the years and have been deeply impacted by this great
ministry! We all love Summit. That’s why I ride!
At the finish in 2015 |
Please join my support team and make a donation today!
(Donate online by clicking here)
As a thank you for donations over $100, I will send you a Whitney
Classic T-Shirt after the event! Please pray with me for a safe,
successful event. If you have any questions, or would like to just catch
up, please call me at 602-549-5331 or at home at 480-775-1682. I would
love to hear from you. Thank you and God bless!
Check out Summit’s web page by clicking here
Thank you for your support!
Tuttle Creek Road |