Friday, September 17, 2021

2021 Southern Transcon Day 10: Roswell NM


Day 10 in the books!
Today was to be a recovery day. With only 98 miles, favorable winds, and 3000 feet of 'climbing' short rollers we rolled out at 0700, with 3 of the 4 Garmin climbs in the first 5 miles! Lots of steep rollers with quick descents.

Tim leads out on a beautiful morning

We were nearly clear of the rollers when Tim and Jeff tangled wheels and Tim hit the pavement hard, going about 30 mph. Jeff was bruised and shaken, Tim was knocked out for about 2 minutes. EMS transported him to a local clinic and he was flown to El Paso. He is recovering and hopes to rejoin the tour in a few days.

Jeff and I stayed at the scene until EMS transported Tim (about 35 minutes). About 5 miles from the first SAG, Jeff took a call from Tim's wife to give her an update. The delays put us outside the support window so one of the PacTour vans picked us up and 'bumped' us up 5 miles to the next SAG. Since there was absolutely nothing but a few scattered ranches on the next 70 miles to Roswell, it was the only decision.

Alessandra and Ed
We linked up with Ed and Alessandra after the first SAG and rode more than a recovery pace until we passed several riders and were back in the support window. Jeff and I backed off the pace and headed for lunch.

Lunch view; mountains to the west, grass to the east

Another great lunch was served at the 66 mile mark. It seemed like most of the riders were either at the lunch stop, or just leaving when we arrived. We took a longer lunch break to catch up on hydration and calories.

Whole lotta nothing!

The only buildings in a full 360 view!
The wind was at our tail, and we were headed down to Roswell, averaging over 18 miles an hour through this desolate section, soft pedaling in recovery mode the whole way.

New main street

We turned right on main street and covered 3.5 miles of urban sprawl before rolling into the hotel at 2:30pm. A very fast time, given the extra 35 minute stop at the beginning of the day.

Lots of these guys all over town!

Jeff and I skipped the Alien Museum and booked early massages to call this one a day.

Tomorrow we head back up to Clovis, our last stop in New Mexico. Hopefully Tim will get well soon and rejoin the tour!







Marian said...

Praying Tim is doing well and that you have a good day today.

Joe Tansill said...

Ditto prayers for Tim and all you riders.

Altemu5 said...

Enjoying your writeups Steve. Good riding too. Tom A.